$Ken Token went live on GalaChain on 19 June 2024. It had an opening price of $0.0003 USD. And is currently above ten cents ($0.010+). Thats over 3000X, or 300,000% in just 2 months! So things have definitely been looking positive for the recent $Ken Token launch.
$KEN Token will be associated with Ken Omega projects — such as “Secret Agent Sky”, that are currently in production, and for which NFTs will appear on GalaChain in the future. In addition, some Ken Omega NFTs may be launched on other blockchains as well.
You can get $KEN by joining GALA at this link. Once you have a GALA account, you will be given a GALA Wallet. Be sure and write down your private key, store it in a safe place, and never share it with anyone. Compromised private keys (or seed phrases) is the number one way that crypto wallets get hacked. So you need to exercise caution.
You will also create a Transfer Code for your Gala Account once you set it up. The Transfer Code is how you confirm transactions, such as #NFT transfers, and token swaps on GalaSwap. Your Transfer Code is also a very sensitive piece of information. So, like the private key to your wallet, you need to keep your Transfer Code private and safe as well.
Once you’ve signed up on GALA, safeguarded your Wallet, and created your Transfer Code, you will be able to acquire $KEN token on GalaSwap if you so choose. To do this, you will first need to purchase $GALA token on the Ethereum Blockchain. The official Contact address for $GALA Token on Ethereum is: 0xd1d2Eb1B1e90B638588728b4130137D262C87cae .
You can view the $GALA Token price chart, and get more info about $GALA on CoinMarketCap at his link.
Once you have $GALA Ethereum in your GALA Wallet, you can bridge this $GALA over to GalaChain on the GALA Website. It is simple and can be done with a few clicks. However, you will need to have about $5 to $10 dollars Ethereum ($ETH) in your wallet as well, to cover the gas fee of the bridging transaction.
And that’s it! Once you have bridged your $GALA tokens over to GalaChain, They will be visible in your GALA Account under GalaChain. And you can then browse the swap offers on GalaSwap for $KEN Token, and execute one if you desire to do so.
Join GALA’s Discord Channel for more information on using GalaSwap. See you on GalaChain. Thanks for stopping by. Ken